更新时间:2024-12-19 15:56:24
why are you even more sensitive than I am? you didn't say that's everything, but that's the only thing you mentioned.that's so obvious my dear.-------------------------------------------------------so do i hv to mk a list of what makes a gd woman to show 2u? -------------------------nobody asked you to do so, the only item you've listed is clear enough for anybody to get the message of what is most important in a woman, for men.calm down, you seem totally freaking out.nobody asked you to do so, the only item you've listed is clear enough for anybody to get the message of what is most important in a woman, for men.calm down, you seem totally freaking out.---------------------------------------------------------i only listed it bcos i wanted to save time. happy now?how do u know who is how, detective?nobody asked you to do so, the only item you've listed is clear enough for anybody to get the message of what is most important in a woman, for men.calm down, you seem totally freaking out.---------------------------------------------------------i only listed it bcos i wanted to save time. happy now?and true, for most men, the most important in a woman is a pretty face. we all hv to admit it.and how do u know who seems how even without seeing his face, detective?nobody asked you to do so, the only item you've listed is clear enough for anybody to get the message of what is most important in a woman, for men.calm down, you seem totally freaking out.---------------------------------------------------------i only listed it bcos i wanted to save time. happy now?and true, for most men, the most important in a woman is a pretty face. we all hv to admit it.and how do u know who seems how even without seeing his face, detective?--------------------detective? lol,you have a good sense of humor, is any detective interested in your mood? whatever.and true, for most men, the most important in a woman is a pretty face. we all hv to admit it.I can't agree more, that is the truth, just like women want to have a stable life, we all have to addmit it too.so why abuse women for the truth we both accept?detective? lol,you have a good sense of humor, is any detective interested in your mood? whatever.and true, for most men, the most important in a woman is a pretty face. we all hv to admit it.I can't agree more, that is the truth, just like women want to have a stable life, we all have to addmit it too.so why abuse women for the truth we both accept?--------------------------------------im really confused why u introduce the concept ""stable life"" to me here. its like suddenly blurting out ""my mum's got a new washing machine"" while others were talking about rocket science.ur focus on it makes me think u might not be a good looking woman. if u r, then u'd be a gd example of why men shldnt look at the face only.detective? lol,you have a good sense of humor, is any detective interested in your mood? whatever.and true, for most men, the most important in a woman is a pretty face. we all hv to admit it.I can't agree more, that is the truth, just like women want to have a stable life, we all have to addmit it too.so why abuse women for the truth we both accept?--------------------------------------im really confused why u introduce the concept ""stable life"" to me here. its like suddenly blurting out ""my mum's got a new washing machine"" while others were talking about rocket science.ur focus on it makes me think u might not be a good looking woman. if u r, then u'd be a gd example of why men shldnt look at the face only.--------------------it is nonsense to talk about personal issues here, nobody knows if you are a dog on the other side of internet.so, why do you focus on if I am pretty or not? that's toothless.the topic here is marriage, marriage is surely a very important part of life, introducing ""stable life"" makes more sense than ""pretty face"", because women are not just a doll without feelings and needs.that's the sure thing that men like pretty ladies, but that's surely not the only issue in marriage, not even the most important issue.you are the one more behave like this :""my mum's got a new washing machine"" while others were talking about rocket science.life is long, pretty face can not last that long.我遇到外国人会 先帮中国人在帮外国人 不要忘记什么是什么人!无所谓现在脑残90后,比他们厉害多了公用马甲22222222彪悍汉妹一名不鸟情知道了武汉姑娘的彪悍吧,同为湖北人,汗啊......外嫁女爱屋及乌的盲目加炫耀性的对中国男性的贬低激起了国男地强烈的愤反心理
参见路易十四,他是荷叶边衬衫的粉丝,如果凡尔赛宫有什么可取之处的话,他几乎没有时间在美学领域克制。 捷特航空公司可能是下一家加入联盟的印度航空公司,这可能是天合联盟。 呵护子宫:子宫是女人的根,产后进行子宫修复。co。2022 年旅游报告的主要发现在协会今天的旅游趋势会议上公布,作为对最新行业趋势、热门目的地、客户情绪和营销策略的全天见解的一部分,以支持旅游业务的持续复苏。南澳航空与南非航空签订的代码特许经营协议意味着,前往四个相连的萨比沙旅馆的游客将能够使用南非航空的航班预订设施预订整个行程,“Airlink首席执行官罗杰·福斯特(Rodger Foster)说,”有效地消除了必须安排单独的公路班车服务或从主要中心到最终目的地的复杂二手飞机包机的麻烦。"本月公司帮我们在驴妈妈平台报了泰国普吉岛的旅游产品,(14号购买,15号回国)我和同事在他们制定线路定点购买了几种蛇药,有几千块钱。戴德伍德确实是一个从历史中拉出来的场景,有足够的浮华和冒险的生意来娱乐每个人。 ----------------------------- @残霰 3楼 2014-05-09 14:38:22 是啊,上下嘴皮一碰,就让全天下杀了人的人都去死了,多么法治和民主 ----------------------------- 那废话 不然某天北大的杀了人北大校友 求情 清华的杀了人清华校友来求情 某某大的杀了人校友又来求情 以后杀人怕什么 反正有人求情是吧 你说因为社会影响极其恶劣,应该死刑。"先分享一些美图:"。"。
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