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更新时间:2024-12-19 12:02:16

来源:东网Stand for what you believe, even if you are standing alone!!!蓝色天空A Very Touching Story that would really make you think deeply...感人的故事,发人深省......来自美国网友的亲身经历(转载故事)A great storyThis is Jesse, he is a drifter who lives near the bridge in my area. He owns nothin but a bike, a bird and a bag of about 10 items! Yesterday, while I was riding my bike down around the beach - which is about 5km from my house - I got a flat tyre. I had no choice but to turn around and wheel my bike the long walk home.A few people rode past and didn't really pay me any attention and I didn't expect them too, but as I started walking, headphones in my ears, I noticed the homeless guy from under the bridge saying something to me. At first I thought he was going to ask me for something so I popped my headphones out and asked him what he wanted? He then replied ""I don't want anything bra but I've got a new tube in my bag and you can have it if ya want !"" Shocked at first I said no thanks but he insisted. So I walked over to his little clearing where he had his things and his pet bird sat in a busted cage.He opened up his empty bag and gave me the tube (which was one of the very few things he had) helped me change the tyre, even pumped it up! I asked him how I could pay him back and he said to me ""don't worry about it bra, this is what it's all about!""The enormity of his situation and the fact that he went out of his way to help me was so humbling, I mean this guy was willing to give me his stuff and didn't want anything in return. To you and I, a bike tube would probably not mean much but to a guy with so little this item must hold enormous value!I could go on and on about how selfless this guy was to give me, a total stranger, clearly in a much better position than him some of his possessions, while people like us are so selfishly attached to all our useless crap.Anyway I just wanted to show you a pic of Jesse with his new Versace lenses, some fresh Sneakers, a full belly and a cold beer... Felt good to do something for the bloke. I also went up to woollies and got him a couple weeks worth of food and some seed for his bird lol...Man, he was ecstatic even had tears in his eyes and couldn't thank me enough, but amidst me sitting there proud of my good deed, and him singing me praises, I suddenly felt pretty bad because the truth is if he didn't go out of his way to help me, I wouldn't of done anything for him.I ride past this guy all the time and never even think twice!Really knocked me off my high horse!Even though we sit around with all our materialistic needs and pass judgment, this dude has something that none of us can buy!I guess what I'm trying to say is thanks for the lesson in humanity champ!这架飞机上即没有美国人也没有俄罗斯人

幸运的是,我们带来了掸子,它不仅舒适地吞没了我所有的东西,而且还是无情的NH-55道路上的救星。"乐山大佛,又名凌云大佛,位于四川省乐山市南岷江东岸凌云寺侧,濒大渡河、青衣江和岷江三江汇流处。"。避免直接投射的灯光照在人脸上,这很容易会产生空间局促感和压抑感  第三:利用空间的死角,摆放小型家具;   第四:在墙面上相间地涂上两种浅暖色的线条,线条与平面平行,横线条由下部往上逐渐变窄;   第五:在入门对面的墙壁上挂上一面大镜子,可以映射出全屋的景象,似乎使客厅扩大了一倍,或在狭长的房间两侧装上玻璃"。撇开这些常规的不说,对节白蜡树桩盆景有很多自己独有的特色和长处,这也就是为什么它被盆景界称为“盆景之王”和“活化石”的原因。健身房有点多,也许,但其他地方都很棒。他说,目的是尽快出售庄园,并且有兴趣的买家。"。客户更愿意今晚(3月10日)而不是周六旅行的代理商,应发送电子邮件至“helpdesk@af-klm。"石塑电梯门套就是安装的电梯洞口两侧装饰板材或者是线条,起到了美观,看上去更上档次的感觉。

"。强风带来了风帆冲浪者和风筝冲浪者。关于这些深情的小猪是如何来到松津岛的,有两个故事。有很多东西需要解开,尤其是因为穿着品牌的拉尔夫劳伦是故意这样做的。"。eTNW将在获得更多信息后立即通知您。"儿子将到温哥华读高中,留学生签证,我办的是旅游签证。3%,在建客房同比减少了1。“任何住在阿布扎比或迪拜的人都会在Bab Al Shams结束,因为它是标志性的,非常特别和独特的,Kerzner可以为那个地方带来新的东西。"我先来"。