更新时间:2024-12-19 19:58:34
Topic: A night club just opened near where you live. You are very unhappy about the situation because it disturbs the peace of the neighborhood. Write a letter to your local government official. Say who you are and explain why you are unhappy and suggest what should be done about it. To whom it may concern, I am a resident of Twelve Oaks. I would like to raise my concerns about a night club recently launched near my home, which has deeply disturbed my family and a number of our neighbours. This night club is named Fella, established at a historical building on Kent Street. It is owned by a family called Smith, who also control a few other operations in the CBD. 6 months before the launch of the renovation project of Fella, the Smiths actually made a promise at a council meeting proclaiming that no one in the neighbouring area shall be disturbed by this new business, and that 2 am shall be the definite closing time even at weekends. This promise, which was the major reason the launch of Fella was not strongly objected to by the local community, was enforced at a level far less than satisfactory. The ear-splitting music was an instant shock, and the parties rarely ended before 4 am on Fridays and Saturdays. Since it went into operation in December 2008, a few disturbances have brought police attention to this once peaceful town, and the rumour of drugs and underground societies has worried many parents with teenage kids. I am writing this letter to you out of concern for the health of our community, more than for my increasingly severe insomnia. Something ought to be done about it, as the frustration and stress of local residents has built up to a breaking point. I hope a serious discussion could be raised within your department, so that the following requirements of the residents can be met immediately: -No operation after 2 am;-The noise get controlled under a certain level according to NSW laws.-Drug dealing be cleared out. I sincerely appreciate your attention on this matter, and look forward to your prompt reply. Should you have any further inquiries, feel free to contact me at any time. Thank you again for your help. Yours Sincerely,M对以上事件不明真相的群众飘过
在这个海滩发生两次致命的鲨鱼袭击事件后,渔民正在与鲨鱼观察者密切合作,以确保这个可爱的海滩对游泳者和渔民来说都是安全的。15世纪的欧洲文艺复兴运动中,人文主义思想出于对宗教的批判,有着关注社会现实的积极要求,许多着名画家为逐渐摆脱单一的以基督教经典为题材的创作,开始对当时生活中的人物、风景、物品进行观察和直接描绘,使宗教题材的作品含带明显的现实世俗因素,有的画家完全描绘现实生活的实景。[2] 贞观年间,唐高祖李渊之子、唐太宗李世民之弟李元婴曾被封于山东滕州故为滕王,且于滕州筑一阁楼名以“滕王阁”(已被毁),后滕王李元婴调任江南洪州(今江西南昌),因思念故地滕州修筑了著名的“滕王阁”,此阁因王勃一首“滕王阁序”为后人熟知,成为永世的经典。Lixto 从网络中提取特定、精确的数据,支持更好的决策,提高运营绩效并提供实时的竞争性价格可见性。熟食店将为当地人、休闲和商务旅客提供各种特色三明治、早餐和其他美食。根据纳米比亚政府在线网站上的报道,他由一个由85人组成的代表团陪同,并将参观新揭幕的独立斗争英雄纪念碑Heroes Acre。通过回复编辑让我们知道。这是当代存在的一个可悲特征,每个人的大部分时间都花在站着为他人服务上,举箱子,坐在开放式荧光办公室里,操作思科电话 - 无论你做什么来支付租金。不仅在高端,西装还在衰落。"。
Bisignani补充说,2004年也将标志着一个新的雄心勃勃的目标的开始,即进一步将目前全球低事故率再降低25%,同时IATA将继续与各国政府合作促进安全措施。不老的是妖怪,还是趁着年轻安排好自己的生活有的人青春是朝气蓬勃,有的人是细水长流,更多的人一眼到头。可这“别人”也不一定是最可靠的那一个呢。。我不希望亲戚朋友们知道我们吵闹的原因,感觉丢人。为了增强家的感觉,每间公寓都配有定制的Shama Ssleepber床,超柔软的羽绒床垫,设备齐全的小厨房,充足的存储空间,双洗衣洗衣机和烘干机,可收看国际频道的LED电视,无线网络连接和办公桌。 一、银行非法获取公民信息,伪造担保材料,信用社提交的《保证担保合同》和《借款保证承诺书》上的签名和捺印均不是陈飞龙本人所为,亦未提供相关的书面委托。是广东砖吗。话题跟恋爱无关,完全就是赌博害的。"2006年11月30日,详情请参阅旅游信息数据库1。"埃及航空每周有一班从开罗飞往特拉维夫的新航班。当被问及两人争论什么时,总理回答说:“你知道吗,我认为我们争论的事情与大多数人争论的事情相同 - 比如,谁有遥控器。其中有章子怡,小沈阳,王小利,辛芷蕾,著名综艺导演吴彤等。新加坡是世界上数字户外屏幕渗透率最高的国家之一,到2018年,数字户外广告收入将占户外广告总收入的60%以上1。非常有意思的游记攻略,图文并茂,借鉴了。